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Rose, Bamboo Fungus and Pigeon Soup

Rose, Bamboo Fungus and Pigeon Soup

Main Ingredients:
Bamboo fungus: 6 pieces; Dried longan: a small amount; Pigeon: 4 liang (a unit of weight); Shiitake mushrooms: 5 pieces; Goji berries: a small amount; Rose flowers: a small amount; Jujubes: 6 pieces.

Additional Ingredients:
Mushroom powder: a small amount; Salt: a small amount.

Rose, Bamboo Fungus and Pigeon Soup

Taste: Light; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Moderate.

Steps to Make Rose, Bamboo Fungus and Pigeon Soup

Steps to Make Rose, Bamboo Fungus and Pigeon Soup

Soak the bamboo fungus in warm water for half an hour, add salt and rub it repeatedly to clean it, then remove the white part. Wash and clean the jujubes and put them together with the cleaned bamboo fungus. At the same time, soak the shiitake mushrooms in water for half an hour, then cut them into four pieces with a knife.

Steps to Make Rose, Bamboo Fungus and Pigeon Soup

Buy pre-processed pigeon meat, cut it into small pieces if the chunks are too large, soak it in water for half an hour to remove the blood. Clean it and set it aside.

Steps to Make Rose, Bamboo Fungus and Pigeon Soup

Put the pigeon meat, bamboo fungus, sliced shiitake mushrooms, green onion, ginger, jujubes, goji berries, and dried longan into a steaming pot, fill it up to about 80%, add 20% water, and sprinkle rose petals on top. Add salt, cover the pot, and steam it over water. As my kitchen utensils are limited, I used a frying pan and placed two crossed chopsticks on it, then put the steaming pot on top and added water underneath.

Steps to Make Rose, Bamboo Fungus and Pigeon Soup

Steam for about an hour, and keep an eye on the water in the pot to prevent it from drying out. Finally, add a small amount of mushroom powder. If it is too light, you can add more salt. When you open the lid, the fragrance of the flowers will hit your nose. The soup is particularly fresh and sweet, with a pure taste and the fragrance of roses, sweetness of jujubes and dried longan. It is really the best soup.