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Rose Flower Cake

Rose Flower Cake

Main Ingredients:
Rose Flowers: 200g; Granulated Sugar: 200g; Glutinous Rice Flour: 50g.

Auxiliary Ingredients:
Oil Dough: 1 portion; Water Dough: 1 portion.

Rose Flower Cake

Rose Flower Cake

Rose Flower Cake

Rose Flower Cake

Taste: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time: One Hour; Difficulty: Normal.

Detailed Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

This time, I used one of the edible rose flowers, the bitter rose. This flower is not as big as the Damascus flower, but it has a deeper color, which makes the finished product look better.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Soak the petals in a light salt water for 30 minutes, then rinse and dry the surface moisture. When removing them, squeeze out the water with your hands, otherwise there will be too much water and they won’t dry properly. I let them dry overnight.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Put the dried petals into a clean bowl and add granulated sugar.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Knead until the petals wilt.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Add cooked glutinous rice flour and mix well to make the filling.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Oil Dough: 50g lard, 100g flour.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Water Dough: 350g flour, 100g lard, 150g boiling water, 5g inverted syrup. Pour boiling water over the lard and let it cool, then add flour and syrup.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Knead into dough to make the water dough.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Let both doughs rest for about an hour.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Divide the doughs: oil dough into 10g portions, water dough into 20g portions.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Wrap an oil dough portion with a water dough portion.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Roll into a long strip, then roll it up from one end. Repeat this step three times.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

This is the dough after being rolled three times.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Fold the rolled dough in half, then roll it into a round disc and wrap it around about 30g of filling. Press it flat after wrapping it tightly.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Put all the cakes on a baking sheet.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius (top heat) and 150 degrees Celsius (bottom heat), then bake for 25 minutes. My oven’s middle layer is slightly lower, so I use different temperatures for the top and bottom. Adjust according to your own oven.

Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake

The finished Rose Flower Cakes have a thin crust and a large filling, with a crispy crust and a fragrant filling. They are very delicious.