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Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Detailed Steps)

Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Detailed Steps)

Main Ingredients:
Digestive Biscuits: 90g; Butter: 30g; Yogurt: 100g; Whipping Cream: 200g; Strawberries: 6; Gelatin Sheets: 3; Salted Sakura Flowers: 15g; Purified Water: 200g+60g.

Additional Ingredients:
Caster Sugar: 40g; Lemon Concentrate: 2ml; Freeze-Dried Strawberry Powder: A little.

Flavor: Sweet and Sour; Technique: Mixing; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Normal.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Soak the salted Sakura flowers in cold water for 7-8 hours in advance (if counting the preparation time, it can be soaked 3 hours in advance), and change the water several times in the middle.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

First, use a food processor to grind the digestive biscuits into powder.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Melt the butter by heating it in a double boiler.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Mix the melted butter with the digestive biscuit powder and stir well.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Put the biscuit-butter mixture into the mold, press it firmly, and freeze it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Weigh 100g of yogurt (I made it myself, but if you buy it, it’s better to use a thicker one).

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Add 2ml of lemon concentrate to the yogurt and stir well (if you don’t have it, you can use fresh lemon juice instead).

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Wash the strawberries, remove the stems, and cut them in half.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

First, pour out 100g of whipping cream and add 20g of caster sugar.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Use an egg beater to beat the cream until it is 6-7% thick while being cooled by ice water or ice cubes.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Soak 3 gelatin sheets in 30g of purified water until they become soft, heat them in a double boiler until they melt, stir them into gelatin water, and let them cool.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Add the lemon-yogurt mixture, a small amount of freeze-dried strawberry powder, and the cooled gelatin water to the whipped cream, and stir well.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Arrange the strawberries against the mold.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Pour the mousse mixture from step 11 into the mold, and refrigerate it for at least an hour.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Beat the remaining whipping cream and sugar together, and add another sheet of gelatin that has been soaked in water. Mix the cooled gelatin water into the whipped cream, and then add the remaining lemon-yogurt mixture. Stir well.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Take out the frozen pink mousse, pour in the white mousse from step 14, smooth the surface, and refrigerate it for at least three hours.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Put the last sheet of gelatin into 200g of purified water, heat it in a double boiler until it melts, add sugar and lemon juice to taste (this is the mirror glaze), and let it cool.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

After the mousse is frozen, pour half of the mirror glaze along the edge of the mold, and refrigerate it for 15 minutes.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

After the mirror glaze is frozen, gently press the Sakura flowers to remove the water, and place them on the mirror glaze in the desired position (I put too many).

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

Pour the remaining mirror glaze slowly along the edge of the mold, and refrigerate it for at least 4 hours or overnight.

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

After the mousse is finished, blow dry it with a hair dryer or wrap it with a hot towel to remove it from the mold (it was taken with a flash, so the pink layer is not obvious, but there is a big difference to the naked eye).

Detailed Steps for Making Sakura Mousse Cake (No-Bake, 22 Steps)

After removing the mold, decorate it with sugar beads and other decorations.