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Seaweed Rice Rolls

Seaweed Rice Rolls

Main Ingredients:
Glutinous rice: appropriate amount; White rice: appropriate amount; Sushi seaweed: appropriate amount.

Auxiliary Ingredients:
Vegetables: appropriate amount; Ham: appropriate amount; Pork floss: appropriate amount; Eggs: appropriate amount; Carrots: appropriate amount.

Salt: appropriate amount; Vinegar: appropriate amount; Sugar: appropriate amount.

Taste: Light; Technique: Skillful; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Seaweed Rice Rolls

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Prepare the required ingredients and add or remove ingredients according to your taste.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Spread the eggs thinly and cut them into one-centimeter-wide strips.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Cut the carrots into long strips, similar in size to the eggs. Then blanch or stir-fry them.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Stir-fry or blanch the vegetables. You can choose the vegetables you like, but it’s best to have a green color and good nutrition, and it looks good when paired with other ingredients.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Cut the ham into quarters and arrange the various ingredients for later use.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Tools needed: bamboo mat, knife, large bowl, spoon, chopsticks.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Tools needed: bamboo mat, knife, large bowl, spoon, chopsticks.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Next is seasoning. You can use sushi vinegar directly, or if you don’t make it often, you can mix white vinegar with a little salt and sugar.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Cook the glutinous rice and white rice in a ratio of 1:1 with less water than usual. The rice should be cooked separately and evenly.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Scoop out some rice, stir it with chopsticks, and add seasoning. The rice should be moderately salty.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Place the seaweed rough side up on the bamboo mat.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Spread the rice evenly on top, leaving a gap of 3-4 centimeters.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Arrange the ham, eggs, vegetables, carrots, pork floss, and other ingredients on top of the rice.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Pick up the front end of the bamboo mat, hold it down with the bamboo mat and seaweed, and roll it forward.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Roll it as tightly as possible to make it look good and not fall apart when cut.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Don’t rush to remove the bamboo mat. Press it down with your hands to make it look good.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Let the rolled seaweed sit for a minute or two.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Wash the knife to prevent sticking, and then cut it every 2 cm.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Cut them evenly, and each seaweed roll can be cut into 8-10 pieces.

Steps for Making Seaweed Rice Rolls

Finally, arrange them on a plate and get ready to enjoy.