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Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

Main ingredients:
Boneless pork chops: 2-3 pieces; Eggs: 1; Soda crackers: 1 pack.

Salt: a little; Black pepper: a little; Onion: 1; Tomato sauce: appropriate amount.

Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

Taste: Salty and savory; Cooking method: Fried; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Simple.

Detailed steps for cooking Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

Steps for making Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

Crush the soda crackers into a powder, the finer the better. (Tip: Do not open the plastic packaging of the crackers, use the bottom of a bottle or cup to crush them.) In the past, “Wannianqing” brand crackers were used in Shanghai, but few people eat them now. Most people use ready-made bread crumbs, but they are not as fragrant as cracker powder. This may be a way for the thrifty Shanghai people of the past to avoid wasting the crumbs in the cracker barrel. But no matter what, cracker powder is always more fragrant than bread crumbs.

Steps for making Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

Wash the pork chops and pat them dry. Use a knife to remove the fatty edges. Use the back of the knife to gently pound both sides of the pork chops to make the meat tender. This way, the pork chops will not be tough when fried. Nowadays, many restaurants use tenderizer to make the meat tender, but if you make it at home, pay attention to the ingredients and control the time. You can also make tender and juicy pork chops, which are definitely tastier than those in restaurants.

Steps for making Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

After pounding, sprinkle a little salt on both sides of the pork chops (chicken essence can also be added, but fresh pork chops are already flavorful), and coat both sides with beaten eggs.

Steps for making Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

Place the egg-coated pork chops into the crushed soda crackers and coat both sides evenly with the cracker powder.

Steps for making Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

Pour a generous amount of salad oil into a frying pan (it is not possible to use as much oil as restaurants do at home, so use a little more oil than usual for pan-frying). When the oil temperature reaches 6-7, turn down the heat and place the pork chops in the pan, frying until both sides are golden brown before removing them. (The frying time should not be too long, about 1-1.5 minutes per side. If the time is too long, the meat will be tough and the skin will be burnt.)

Steps for making Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

For convenience, cut the pork chops into strips, place onion rings on top, pour tomato sauce over them, and sprinkle with black pepper. Serve hot! It is best to eat it while it is still hot.

Steps for making Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

It is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a delicious meaty flavor.

Steps for making Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

It is savory and sweet, with a delicious charred flavor. It is a favorite of children, easy to make, and a delicious homemade dish made with care.

Steps for making Shanghai-style Fried Pork Chop

It is a simple and easy-to-learn delicious Western-style dish made with real ingredients.