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Small Desserts

Small Desserts

Main Ingredients:
100g all-purpose flour; 100g cake flour; 35g granulated sugar; 40g cooking oil.

Additional Ingredients:
20g milk powder; water as needed.

210g red bean paste; matcha powder as needed; 2g yeast; 2g baking powder.

Flavor: Milk; Cooking Method: Baked; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Advanced.

Detailed Steps for Making Small Desserts

Steps for Making Small Desserts

First, make the filling by mixing homemade red bean paste with matcha powder and divide it into equal portions for later use.

Steps for Making Small Desserts

Mix the dough ingredients to form a dough. At first, the dough may not be smooth, let it rest for 15 to 20 minutes and then knead it again.

Steps for Making Small Desserts

Knead the dough until it is smooth.

Steps for Making Small Desserts

Divide the dough into equal portions (cover with plastic wrap to prevent drying).

Steps for Making Small Desserts

Roll one portion into a round dough wrapper.

Steps for Making Small Desserts

Place the filling in the center of the wrapper.

Steps for Making Small Desserts

Seal the edges and pinch them tightly with the sealed side facing down.

Steps for Making Small Desserts

Let the wrapped dough rest for half an hour (cover with plastic wrap to prevent drying).

Steps for Making Small Desserts

Arrange the wrapped dough on a baking sheet.

Steps for Making Small Desserts

Use a stamp to imprint a deer pattern on each dough wrapper.

Steps for Making Small Desserts

Preheat the oven for 10 minutes, place the baking sheet on the middle rack, and bake at 180 degrees Celsius (top heat) and 170 degrees Celsius (bottom heat) for 20 to 25 minutes (depending on the size of the dough).

Steps for Making Small Desserts

The small desserts are done. Today’s small desserts were not baked to perfection due to insufficient heat (I had to answer a phone call and lowered the temperature, which affected the final product. I apologize and will pay more attention next time).

Steps for Making Small Desserts

The final product is not perfect (I cannot miss the baking process next time), but it still tastes good.