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Snow Swallow, Peach Gum and Soap Rice Porridge

Snow Swallow, Peach Gum and Soap Rice Porridge

Main ingredients:
Rock sugar: 20g; Snow swallow: 6g.

Auxiliary materials:
Water: appropriate amount; Soap rice: 6g; Peach gum: 5g.

Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Stew; Time-consuming: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Snow Swallow, Peach Gum and Soap Rice Porridge

Steps for Cooking Snow Swallow, Peach Gum and Soap Rice Porridge

Prepare the ingredients

Steps for Cooking Snow Swallow, Peach Gum and Soap Rice Porridge

Soak the snow swallow in a separate bowl with cold water for about twelve hours. In hot weather, it can be placed in the refrigerator. Generally, soak it at 7 pm after dinner and it can be stewed the next morning.

Steps for Cooking Snow Swallow, Peach Gum and Soap Rice Porridge

Soak the peach gum and soap rice together for twelve hours. Soaking for a long time is beneficial for stewing later on.

Steps for Cooking Snow Swallow, Peach Gum and Soap Rice Porridge

After soaking for about three hours, you can change the water and remove any impurities from the snow swallow.

Steps for Cooking Snow Swallow, Peach Gum and Soap Rice Porridge

This is what the snow swallow looks like after soaking for ten hours. Don’t be fooled by the small amount of 6g, it can expand several times after soaking. It’s a full bowl, enough for two people. Generally, 3g per person is enough. It has a great pulling effect.

Steps for Cooking Snow Swallow, Peach Gum and Soap Rice Porridge

Put the peach gum and soap rice in the pot first, add rock sugar, pour in an appropriate amount of water, and stew for half an hour. After half an hour, add the snow swallow and stew for another ten minutes. The snow swallow should not be stewed for too long, or it will dissolve. Just add it at the end.

Steps for Cooking Snow Swallow, Peach Gum and Soap Rice Porridge

The finished product

Steps for Cooking Snow Swallow, Peach Gum and Soap Rice Porridge

Look at the pulling effect, female friends should eat more, it has many benefits.

Steps for Cooking Snow Swallow, Peach Gum and Soap Rice Porridge

You can also put it in the refrigerator after it’s done. The cold taste is more suitable for summer.