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Soapberry Rice Snow Swallow Pomegranate Drink

Soapberry Rice Snow Swallow Pomegranate Drink

Main Ingredients:
Soapberry Rice: 15g; Snow Swallow: 10g; Pomegranate Seeds: Appropriate amount.

Auxiliary Ingredients:
Rock Sugar: Appropriate amount.

Soapberry Rice Snow Swallow Pomegranate Drink

Taste: Sweet; Process: Boiling; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple.

Steps for making Soapberry Rice Snow Swallow Pomegranate Drink

Steps for making Soapberry Rice Snow Swallow Pomegranate Drink

10g of Snow Swallow. Soak in cold water until it becomes completely thread-like and soft. One piece was particularly large and took 19 hours to cook. If in a hurry, break the Snow Swallow into small pieces before soaking.

Steps for making Soapberry Rice Snow Swallow Pomegranate Drink

15g of Soapberry Rice. Soak in cold water for 5 hours.

Steps for making Soapberry Rice Snow Swallow Pomegranate Drink

Put the soaked Snow Swallow and Soapberry Rice into a health pot to cook. The flower and herb tea function takes 25 minutes. If the Snow Swallow is cooked for too long, it will dissolve.

Steps for making Soapberry Rice Snow Swallow Pomegranate Drink

When there are five minutes left, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar.

Steps for making Soapberry Rice Snow Swallow Pomegranate Drink

Put the cooked Snow Swallow and Soapberry Rice into a bowl. Add pomegranate seeds. It tastes sweet.

Steps for making Soapberry Rice Snow Swallow Pomegranate Drink

Finished product.