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Spicy Pickled Radish

Spicy Pickled Radish

Main ingredients:
White radish: 200g; Carrot: 100g.

Salt: appropriate amount; Rice vinegar: appropriate amount; Small chili pepper: 1; Pickled chili pepper: 8; Rock sugar: appropriate amount; Garlic: 4 cloves; Lemon: 1 slice.

Spicy Pickled Radish

Taste: Sour and Spicy; Cooking method: Other; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Easy.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Spicy Pickled Radish

Steps for Making Spicy Pickled Radish

Prepare ingredients.

Steps for Making Spicy Pickled Radish

Cut carrots and white radish into strips, sprinkle with salt, stir and let sit for half an hour to marinate.

Steps for Making Spicy Pickled Radish

Chop the small chili pepper and pickled chili pepper into small pieces for better flavor. Slice the garlic and lemon.

Steps for Making Spicy Pickled Radish

Put the seasonings in a small bowl with rock sugar and pour in rice vinegar to soak together. (To melt the rock sugar a bit).

Steps for Making Spicy Pickled Radish

After half an hour, pour out the water from the salted radish and rinse it with clean water.

Steps for Making Spicy Pickled Radish

After cleaning the radish, pour the seasonings in and mix well. Adjust to personal taste. I like a stronger pickled chili pepper flavor, so I added some pickled chili pepper water. For those who like it more sour, you can add more vinegar.

Steps for Making Spicy Pickled Radish

Finally, put it in a glass lunch box, cover it with a sealed lid and put it in the refrigerator. Shake it a few times when you have time, so that the flavor is evenly distributed.