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Spicy Snail Noodles

Spicy Snail Noodles

Main Ingredients:
Snail Noodles: 350g.

Additional Ingredients:
Oil: Appropriate amount; Salt: 2g; Cooking Wine: 15g; Ginger: Appropriate amount; Scallions: 10g; Dried Chili Peppers: 2; Soy Sauce: 10g; Dark Soy Sauce: 5g; Vinegar: 5g; Sugar: 3g; White Pepper Powder: Appropriate amount.

Spicy Snail Noodles

Flavor: Spicy; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Simple.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Spicy Snail Noodles

Steps for Making Spicy Snail Noodles

Wash the snail noodles and mix them with half a spoonful of salt. Let them sit for about a day to allow the snails to spit out the sand and mud in their stomachs (during this period, change the water multiple times and remove the dead snails that float on the water surface).

Steps for Making Spicy Snail Noodles

Cut off the tail of the snail noodles before cooking.

Steps for Making Spicy Snail Noodles

Prepare scallions, ginger (do not cut too finely), and dried chili peppers cut into small pieces.

Steps for Making Spicy Snail Noodles

After the oil is heated, add ginger, dried chili peppers, and 1/3 of the scallions to stir-fry until fragrant.

Steps for Making Spicy Snail Noodles

Add the snail noodles and stir-fry for about 1 minute.

Steps for Making Spicy Snail Noodles

Add cooking wine and salt separately.

Steps for Making Spicy Snail Noodles

After mixing soy sauce, dark soy sauce, vinegar, and sugar evenly, pour in an appropriate amount of water, cover the pot, and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes.

Steps for Making Spicy Snail Noodles

Finally, turn up the heat to thicken the sauce, add white pepper powder and the remaining scallions, and stir-fry evenly before serving.

Steps for Making Spicy Snail Noodles

Enjoy your meal!