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Steamed Red Dates for Blood Nourishment

Steamed Red Dates for Blood Nourishment

Xinjiang dried dates: appropriate amount.

Taste: sweet and fragrant; Cooking method: steaming; Time: several days; Difficulty: simple.

Steps for cooking Steamed Red Dates for Blood Nourishment

Steps for cooking Steamed Red Dates for Blood Nourishment

Wash the Xinjiang dried dates to remove any floating dust, but do not soak them.

Steps for cooking Steamed Red Dates for Blood Nourishment

Place them in a steamer and steam over high heat for 30 minutes.

Steps for cooking Steamed Red Dates for Blood Nourishment

Let them dry in a ventilated area to remove surface moisture and cool.

Steps for cooking Steamed Red Dates for Blood Nourishment

Steam them again for 30 minutes.

Steps for cooking Steamed Red Dates for Blood Nourishment

Let them dry in a ventilated area to remove surface moisture and cool.

Steps for cooking Steamed Red Dates for Blood Nourishment

Steam them for a third time for 30 minutes.

Steps for cooking Steamed Red Dates for Blood Nourishment

Continue to dry them in a ventilated area.

Steps for cooking Steamed Red Dates for Blood Nourishment

Let them dry in a ventilated area for one to two days.

Steps for cooking Steamed Red Dates for Blood Nourishment

Store them and eat a few every day. Red dates are good for blood nourishment, but the taste of the skin is not good and eating too many can cause stomach discomfort. After steaming and drying three times, the taste becomes much milder and there is no longer any discomfort in the stomach.