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Stone Pot Bibimbap – One Chef’s Cast Iron Pot Version

Stone Pot Bibimbap - One Chef's Cast Iron Pot Version

White rice: 1.5 cups; Sesame oil: 1 tablespoon; Korean spicy sauce: as needed; Shiitake mushrooms: as needed; Cucumber strips: as needed; Eggs: as needed.

Additional ingredients:
Water: 2 cups; Salt: as needed; Pork slices: as needed; Bean sprouts: as needed; Carrot strips: as needed.

Taste: Mildly spicy; Cooking method: Braising; Time required: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy.

Steps to make One Chef’s Cast Iron Pot Version of Stone Pot Bibimbap

Steps to make One Chef's Cast Iron Pot Version of Stone Pot Bibimbap

Put cooking oil in the enamel pot

Steps to make One Chef's Cast Iron Pot Version of Stone Pot Bibimbap

Cut the vegetables into strips and stir-fry them in the pot

Steps to make One Chef's Cast Iron Pot Version of Stone Pot Bibimbap

Add rice and water, and a little salt for seasoning. Cook the rice until it is done

Steps to make One Chef's Cast Iron Pot Version of Stone Pot Bibimbap

After the rice is cooked, spread the vegetables on top of the rice

Steps to make One Chef's Cast Iron Pot Version of Stone Pot Bibimbap

Crack an egg into the pot and pour a circle of cooking oil around the edge of the pot

Steps to make One Chef's Cast Iron Pot Version of Stone Pot Bibimbap

Cover the pot and simmer on low heat for 5 minutes

Steps to make One Chef's Cast Iron Pot Version of Stone Pot Bibimbap

Add Korean spicy sauce according to personal preference and mix well