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Sunflower Cookies

Sunflower Cookies

Main Ingredients:
85g low-gluten flour; 25g powdered sugar; 1g salt; 10g egg liquid.

Auxiliary Ingredients:
5g cocoa powder; 1 drop yellow food coloring.

Taste: Sweet; Process: Baked; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Moderate.

Detailed Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Soften the butter at room temperature, add salt and powdered sugar, and beat evenly with a hand mixer.

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Add the egg liquid and beat until fluffy.

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Sift in the low-gluten flour and stir evenly. (If the mixture is too thin, you can add some low-gluten flour and knead it until it is not sticky.)

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Divide the mixture into two parts, add cocoa powder to one-third and yellow food coloring to two-thirds, and mix well.

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Wrap the mixture in plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour.

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Take out the yellow dough and roll it into a thin sheet with a rolling pin. (It is recommended to use plastic wrap on top and bottom for easier rolling.)

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Use a flower-shaped cookie cutter to cut out sunflower shapes.

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Take a small piece of cocoa dough and roll it into a round shape, then roll the yellow dough into a thin strip.

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Place the yellow dough in a cross shape and gently press it onto the cocoa dough.

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Place it in the center of the flower, and a sunflower is complete.

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Make all the cookies and place them on a baking sheet.

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Use a knife to lightly score two lines on each petal for a more vivid effect. Preheat the oven.

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Place the cookies on the middle rack of the oven, bake at 175 degrees Celsius for about 8 minutes until the cookies are golden brown. Be sure to keep an eye on them.

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Take them out of the oven, they smell and look delicious.

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Take a bite and enjoy the crispy and delicious taste!

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Appreciate the beauty of the cookies.

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Appreciate the beauty of the cookies.

Steps for Making Sunflower Cookies

Appreciate the beauty of the cookies.