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Sushi Rice Bowl

Sushi Rice Bowl

White rice: 1 small bowl; Egg: 1; Sausage: 1; Crab stick: 3 small pieces; Nori seaweed: appropriate amount; Sushi vinegar: appropriate amount; Granulated sugar: appropriate amount; Salad dressing: appropriate amount.

Sushi Rice Bowl

Sushi Rice Bowl

Sushi Rice Bowl

Sushi Rice Bowl

Sushi Rice Bowl

Taste: Milky; Cooking method: Other; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple.

Steps to make Sushi Rice Bowl

Steps to make Sushi Rice Bowl

Wash the white rice and put it in a steel bowl with enough water to cover the rice.

Steps to make Sushi Rice Bowl

Steam for 20 minutes until cooked.

Steps to make Sushi Rice Bowl

Fry the egg into an omelette and cut it into strips, fry the sausage and cut it diagonally, and lightly fry the crab stick and cut it into small pieces.

Steps to make Sushi Rice Bowl

Cut the nori seaweed into small pieces.

Steps to make Sushi Rice Bowl

Put the cooked rice in a lunch box and mix it with sushi vinegar and sugar.

Steps to make Sushi Rice Bowl

First, sprinkle the nori seaweed pieces evenly on the rice.

Steps to make Sushi Rice Bowl

Then, lay a layer of egg on top.

Steps to make Sushi Rice Bowl

Arrange the sausage and crab stick neatly on top of the egg.

Steps to make Sushi Rice Bowl

Add 2 slices of tomato (or your favorite vegetables).

Steps to make Sushi Rice Bowl

Squeeze an appropriate amount of salad dressing on top.

Steps to make Sushi Rice Bowl

And there you have it, your Sushi Rice Bowl lunch box!