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Sweet Apple Pie

Sweet Apple Pie

Main Ingredients:
Apples: 2.

Auxiliary Ingredients:
Raisins: personal preference; Walnuts: personal preference.

Butter: appropriate amount; Grape wine: appropriate amount; Brown sugar: appropriate amount; Puff pastry: 1 sheet; Cinnamon powder: a little.

Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Baking; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Normal.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Sweet Apple Pie

Steps for Making Sweet Apple Pie

Since this snack is Western-style, it must be made with butter. Put some butter in the pan (it should be a flat-bottomed one, so that the heat is even), and when it melts slightly, let the butter cover the entire pan.

Steps for Making Sweet Apple Pie

Then put in the apples to cook. After spreading them out, cover the pan and let them soften for about ten minutes. Remember not to use too much heat. When they are almost done, add an appropriate amount of brown sugar (personal preference for sweetness), and you can turn off the heat and let it sit for a while (the softness of the apples is the key to the taste, and can be adjusted according to personal preference).

Steps for Making Sweet Apple Pie

During the time when the apples are cooking, you can do other preparations. Take an appropriate amount of raisins and soak them in grape wine or juice for later use (you can also use them directly, soaking them in juice is to prevent them from becoming too dry when baked).

Steps for Making Sweet Apple Pie

The apples are still hot after cooking, so it’s not good to put the puff pastry on them right away. Let them cool in a bowl or plate for a while.

Steps for Making Sweet Apple Pie

Prepare some tin foil and spread some butter evenly on it.

Steps for Making Sweet Apple Pie

Place the puff pastry flat on the tin foil, and use a fork to prick small holes in it (to allow air to circulate during baking).

Steps for Making Sweet Apple Pie

When the puff pastry is ready and the apples are not too hot, you can add the ingredients. When adding the ingredients, be sure to leave about two centimeters around the edges. Carefully pour the apples onto the top half of the puff pastry, sprinkle with raisins (you can drink the juice from the soaked raisins, do not pour it in), cut the butter into small pieces and spread them on top (optional, but more fragrant). Finally, sprinkle some cinnamon powder (powder or stick form), cinnamon and apples are a perfect match.

Steps for Making Sweet Apple Pie

After laying out the apples, cover the bottom half of the puff pastry on top, and press all four sides tightly. Use a small knife to make a few even cuts in the middle, and use the back of the knife to press out a decorative edge around the sides.

Steps for Making Sweet Apple Pie

Preheat the oven for 10 minutes, which can be done while laying out the apples. After preheating, bake for 25-30 minutes. If you like, you can sprinkle some sugar on top of the pie before baking, brown sugar is also fine, but the crust is more likely to burn this way.

Steps for Making Sweet Apple Pie

This is what it looks like when it comes out of the oven.

Steps for Making Sweet Apple Pie

Use a small knife to cut it open carefully, and enjoy your hard work with a cup of milk tea!