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Sweet Pancakes

Sweet Pancakes

Flour: 250g; Baking powder: 10-20g; Vanilla powder: appropriate amount.

Additional ingredients:
Eggs: 3-6; Granulated sugar: 60-70g; Fresh cream: 30CC; Milk: 150CC; Butter: 10g.

Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Baking; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Easy.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Sweet Pancakes

Steps for Making Sweet Pancakes

Beat the eggs in a bowl until they are fluffy.

Steps for Making Sweet Pancakes

Melt the butter, add flour, granulated sugar, baking powder, and vanilla powder, mix well, and add to the egg bowl. Add fresh milk and cream, and beat with an egg beater until fluffy.

Steps for Making Sweet Pancakes

Turn on the power (preheat for 3 minutes) and evenly spread butter on the upper and lower plates. Pour the pancake batter evenly.

Steps for Making Sweet Pancakes

It’s ready in 3-4 minutes.