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Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

Milk Tea Ingredients:
Milk: 250ml; Water: 200g; Red tea leaves: 5g.

Caramel Ingredients:
Granulated sugar: 3 teaspoons; Water: a little.

Chocolate Taro Paste:
2 peeled taro roots; 20g dark chocolate; 5g cocoa powder.

Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

Taste: Sweet; Technique: Boiling; Time: 45 minutes; Difficulty: Moderate.

Steps for Making Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

Steps for Making Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

I couldn’t find the specific taro root used in the original recipe, so I used local taro roots instead. I steamed two larger taro roots until a chopstick could easily pierce through them.

Steps for Making Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

I mashed the taro roots into a paste. I made a mistake and added some milk and blended it in a blender, but it became too thin and I had to cook it down to thicken it. Unfortunately, the final product was too sticky and lacked texture. I recommend keeping the taro paste a bit chunkier.

Steps for Making Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

While the taro roots were steaming, I made the caramel for the milk tea. I added a little water to a thick-bottomed milk pot, poured in the granulated sugar, and cooked it over low heat until it caramelized. Don’t stir the sugar while it’s cooking; you can shake the pot to prevent it from sticking. After the water evaporates, the sugar will bubble and slowly turn brown.

Steps for Making Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

Once the caramel turns brown, add milk and water, and then add the tea leaves to boil together.

Steps for Making Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

After boiling, turn off the heat and let it sit for 20 minutes.

Steps for Making Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

Filter out the tea leaves, and the milk tea is ready.

Steps for Making Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

Mix cocoa powder and dark chocolate in a bowl with a spoonful of hot milk tea to make chocolate sauce.

Steps for Making Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

Pour the chocolate sauce into the taro paste and mix well to make chocolate taro paste.

Steps for Making Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

Choose a cup you like, scoop in the chocolate taro paste to cover the bottom, and use the spoon you used for the chocolate to smear the chocolate taro paste on the cup wall.

Steps for Making Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

Pour in the milk tea, and you can add some nuts and marshmallows for decoration.

Steps for Making Taro Milk Tea with Taro Paste

I like my milk tea hot, but if you prefer it cold, you can add ice or refrigerate it before drinking.