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Tofu Mascarpone Sauce

Tofu Mascarpone Sauce

Soybeans: 40g; Water: 400g.

Mascarpone Sauce:
Egg yolks: 2; Granulated sugar: 30g; Cream cheese: 90g; Low-gluten flour: 30g; Tofu: 200g.

Flavor: Original; Technique: Other; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy.

Steps for making Tofu Mascarpone Sauce

Steps for making Tofu Mascarpone Sauce

The key to the rich taste of tofu sauce lies in the soy milk. Freshly squeezed soy milk works best. Wash the soybeans and put them in a blender with water.

Steps for making Tofu Mascarpone Sauce

Select the soy milk mode.

Steps for making Tofu Mascarpone Sauce

Cover with a soundproof cover so that the blender will not make noise while working.

Steps for making Tofu Mascarpone Sauce

After the soy milk is ready, take 200g and set it aside. The soy milk should be silky smooth without any residue, which will result in a better taste for the tofu mascarpone sauce.

Steps for making Tofu Mascarpone Sauce

Prepare two small bowls, A and B. In bowl A, add egg yolks and granulated sugar, and stir constantly over hot water until the sugar is melted. Add low-gluten flour and stir until smooth. Set aside.

Steps for making Tofu Mascarpone Sauce

In bowl B, add softened cream cheese (using original-flavored cream cheese from Philadelphia) and gradually add warm soy milk in three parts, stirring constantly until well mixed.

Steps for making Tofu Mascarpone Sauce

Pour all the ingredients from bowls A and B into a pot, turn on low heat, and stir constantly while cooking.

Steps for making Tofu Mascarpone Sauce

Cook until the sauce becomes thick and creamy, then turn off the heat.

Steps for making Tofu Mascarpone Sauce

Pour the sauce into a container and let it cool before use.

Steps for making Tofu Mascarpone Sauce

The sauce should be thick enough to stick to a spatula without sliding off. It has a sweet and refreshing taste and is especially delicious.