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Vanilla Cream Popcorn

Vanilla Cream Popcorn

Main ingredients:
Corn: appropriate amount.

Auxiliary materials:
Sugar: appropriate amount; Butter: appropriate amount; Vanilla powder: appropriate amount.

Taste: Sweet; Process: Pop; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Simple.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Vanilla Cream Popcorn

Steps for Making Vanilla Cream Popcorn

Prepare the required main ingredients, which is corn specially used for making popcorn with small particles.

Steps for Making Vanilla Cream Popcorn

Heat the pot and add butter.

Steps for Making Vanilla Cream Popcorn

Add corn kernels and stir-fry evenly to coat each corn kernel with butter. If the pot is small, do not put too much corn, otherwise it will be difficult to stir evenly when adding sugar.

Steps for Making Vanilla Cream Popcorn

Stir-fry for one or two minutes, cover the pot with a lid, and heat the frying pan over medium-high heat. It is best to use a transparent lid for easy observation.

Steps for Making Vanilla Cream Popcorn

Be patient and wait. After about 4 minutes, the corn kernels start to bloom one by one, and you can hear the popping sound in the pot. It’s quite interesting.

Steps for Making Vanilla Cream Popcorn

When the frying pan becomes quiet, it means that the corn is ready. Open the lid, and it smells fragrant. At this time, you can switch to low heat, add sugar and vanilla powder, and stir constantly with a spatula until the sugar is melted and the syrup is evenly coated on each popcorn kernel.

Steps for Making Vanilla Cream Popcorn

You can enjoy the delicious and sweet popcorn in just 5 minutes. Adding vanilla powder gives it a light fragrance. Don’t forget to bring your homemade popcorn to the cinema, my friends.