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Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Main ingredients:
Whole wheat flour: 120g; High-gluten flour: 85g; Wheat bran: 1 tablespoon; Dry yeast: 4g; Water: 130g.

Auxiliary materials:
High-gluten flour: 85g; Granulated sugar: 15g; Salt: 1 teaspoon; Milk powder: 10g; Water: 50g; Butter: 15g.

Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Flavor: Original; Process: Baking; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Simple.

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Ingredients for tangzhong dough: 120g whole wheat flour, 85g high-gluten flour, 1 tablespoon wheat bran, 4g dry yeast, 130g water

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Put all the ingredients into a large bowl

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Knead into a dough, cover with plastic wrap and let it ferment for a while

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

The dough grows bigger

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Ingredients for the main dough: 85g high-gluten flour, 50g water, 15g granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 10g milk powder, 15g butter

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Pour the main dough ingredients except for the butter into a large bowl together with the tangzhong dough

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Mix until slightly smooth, then add the butter

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Continue to mix until the dough can be stretched into a thin film

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Put the dough in a large bowl and let it ferment for the second time, about 60 minutes

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

The dough grows to twice its original size

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Deflate the dough, divide it into 3 equal parts, roll them into balls, and let them rest for 15 minutes

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Roll each ball into an oval shape of 20*10cm

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Flip it over and roll it up

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Place the seam side down

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Put the rolled dough into a toast box, cover it, and let it ferment for the final time

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

The dough rises to 90% of the box

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Put it in the oven, on the middle and lower levels, with the upper heat at 190 degrees and the lower heat at 210 degrees, and bake for about 30 minutes

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Take it out of the oven and remove the cover

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Remove the toast from the box and let it cool

Steps to Make Whole Wheat Tangzhong Toast

Slice it