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Xuefu Small Bread

Xuefu Small Bread

Main Ingredients:
Low-gluten Flour: 350g.

Auxiliary Ingredients:
Egg: 1 (68g); Butter: 32g; Yeast: 4g; Granulated Sugar: 40g; Milk: Appropriate amount.

Xuefu Sauce:
Butter: 40g; Powdered Sugar: 20g; Low-gluten Flour: 45g.

Salt: 2g.

Flavor: Sweet and Fragrant; Cooking Method: Baking; Time: One Hour; Difficulty: Simple.

Detailed Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

Put all ingredients except butter and salt into a blender (one egg turned out to be a double yolk).

Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

Mix until it becomes like this, then add salt and butter and continue mixing.

Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

Mix evenly until it forms a film, then let it ferment in a warm place.

Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

Take out the fermented dough and knead it until it is even.

Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

Divide it into 16 equal small doughs, cover with plastic wrap and let it ferment again.

Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

To make Xuefu sauce: soften the butter and powdered sugar.

Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

Add flour and milk (forgot to weigh it).

Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

Mix the Xuefu sauce until it is thick enough to not scatter when dripped.

Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

Add one egg and beat it.

Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

After beating, filter it and use it to brush the surface of the bread.

Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

Brush the egg mixture evenly on the bread dough that has been fermented twice.

Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

Squeeze in the Xuefu sauce, three of them were not squeezed well.

Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

Preheat the oven for 5 to 10 minutes, set the upper heat to 170 degrees, the lower heat to 160 degrees, and bake for 20 minutes.

Steps for Making Xuefu Small Bread

Take out the small bread, it is soft, fragrant, and fluffy.