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Yam Pearl Balls

Yam Pearl Balls

Main Ingredients:
Yam: appropriate amount; Pork: appropriate amount; Glutinous Rice Flour: appropriate amount; Glutinous Rice: appropriate amount.

Auxiliary Materials:
Water: appropriate amount.

Salt: appropriate amount; Chicken Essence: appropriate amount; Pepper: appropriate amount; Sesame Oil: appropriate amount; Cooking Oil: appropriate amount.

Yam Pearl Balls

Yam Pearl Balls

Yam Pearl Balls

Yam Pearl Balls

Yam Pearl Balls

Yam Pearl Balls

Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Advanced.

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Won the prize of the second season theme competition about beans, a feast of beans.

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Wash and peel the yam, and cut it into pieces.

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Place the cut yam on a plate and steam it until cooked.

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Chop the pork into minced meat.

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Soak the glutinous rice in advance for 2 hours, then drain and set aside.

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Mash the steamed yam with a spoon.

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Add the minced pork to the mashed yam.

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Add appropriate amount of glutinous rice flour/starch; (Jingchu thinks glutinous rice flour has a more sticky texture than starch).

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Add appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence, sesame oil, and pepper.

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Then use a whisk to mix the ingredients evenly. If the meat filling feels too dry during the mixing process, you can add some water as needed.

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Look! The filling is mixed well in no time. With the whisk, it’s much easier to mix the filling and saves a lot of unnecessary effort.

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Roll the filling into balls of roughly the same size.

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Then, place the balls in a plate with glutinous rice, gently press them with your hand, and roll the balls in a circular motion (be careful not to press too hard).

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Look! The balls are wrapped tightly in glutinous rice.

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

Place the glutinous rice-wrapped yam pearl balls on a plate, bring water to a boil in a pot, cover the pot with a lid, and steam over high heat for about 25 minutes.

Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls

The glutinous rice is wrapped around the balls, crystal clear and chewy. It’s great as a main dish or a snack. Come and try it out!